The AICE program, which is the University of Cambridge in England’s set of courses available for high schoolers around the world, can be found throughout the various high schools in Boca Raton.  AICE, which stands for Advanced International Certificate of Education, offers students an alternative to Advanced Placement courses while maintaining the rigor and prestige those classes offer.  The difficulty of these courses ranges from honors to greater than Advanced Placement, and they are weighted similarly to the AP’s, which is advantageous for students.

Many students strive to complete their AICE diploma.  This requires passing at least 7 of the AICE classes, and at least one from each of the four categories: Mathematics and Science, Languages, Arts and Humanities, and Miscellaneous.  Earning this diploma provides students with the opportunity to get various scholarships, or more money toward already earned scholarships such as Bright Futures.  Additionally, in the state of Florida, all colleges accept any credit earned by passing the AICE exam at the end of the year as college credit, providing financial aid to many.

All four of the public high schools in Boca Raton, Boca Raton High, Spanish River, West Boca, and Olympic Heights, are integrating the AICE program into their standard curriculum.  Boca Raton High School is the primary user of these classes, and has successfully integrated it into their highly regarded STEM program through the use of the AICE classes: Marine Science, Biology, and Chemistry.  Additionally, Spanish River High School uses the course AICE Business in their highly competitive academy.

The integration of the AICE Program into the general curriculum of the high schools in Boca Raton is proving to be a beneficial addition for the students and their families!

By: Gabriel Wetzler