Hurricane Matthew A Non-Issue In Boca Raton

For the first time in more than a decade the east coast of Florida stared down the barrel of a significant hurricane that was projected to ride alongside the coast and make landfall somewhere from Miami to the Carolinas. Fortunately, the storm essentially missed South Florida altogether and as a result there was hardly any damage to either property or nature. During storms like Wilma and Jeanne, the last hurricanes to hit the area, most communities lost power for a week or more and there was significant damage to homes, [...]

October 26th, 2016|Boca Raton Living|

Boca Raton Little League Plays In Palm Beach County All Star Tournament

By Tyler Wetzler Boca Raton is known for many great things, recreational athletic programs being one of them. The Spring season for Boca Raton Little League recently concluded and as in previous years, coaches selected a group of players (across all of the teams from each age group) to join an all star team and compete against other Little League's in Palm Beach County. The tournament used a double elimination format. The teams did lots of practicing in order to prepare for the intense and higher level (stronger competition) games. [...]

June 29th, 2016|Boca Raton Sports|

A Sit-down With Briann Harms, Assistant Director, Greater Boca Raton Beach & Park District Digital Boca Raton

Digital Boca Raton was pleased to have the opportunity to spend a few moments with Briann Harms, learning about the latest news with respect to the Greater Boca Raton Beach and Park District. Here’s our interview: DBR: So, I recall hearing at the Boca Hoops Championships last Fall that plans are in place for a second field house at Sugar Sand Park. Any insights you can share? BH: Yes. The board selected an architect. We set aside in our budget for the design phase $250,000. So, hopefully over the next [...]

June 1st, 2016|Boca Raton City Services|